The M Tour

Welcome, welcome, everyone! I’m very happy to be your tour guide on today’s adventure. As you know, we’re about to enter my body and the trip will take us about 29 years, almost 30. We’re on a Virgo, needless to say: DON’T DARE to move things around and put them back somewhere other than where you found them. Don’t panic about the skin tone. Yes, it’s always this pale. Oh, funny that joke about dying and not being notified! And yes, I’m telling you, this skin does get sunlight on summer. Let’s get right into it. We are near the center, in the stomach. Plenty of things happen here. Sorry, lactose’s not allowed. Note how the things happening outside affects the environment here: it can swollen or get hard or start aching so fast…it’s unpredictable! Butterflies? Nope, they flew away a long time ago. But if you pay close attention, you'll feel different soft breezes that each flutter left. Now we’re moving up and straight to the chest. Watch out for that tiny bump on the skin. It’s a bee sting I don’t remember getting. Don’t step on that scar, it’s the first and only surgery I’ve ever had. Let’s sit here on the heart. Yes, everyone! It’s pretty big and we can stay here as long as we want to. Make sure to take off your shoes or anything that could leave a permanent mark. Walk slowly, touch it with kindness but don’t touch it too much. Every touch, every kiss, and every punch will stay here forever and will never be forgotten. Now let’s move up to the neck. Don’t mind the lumps in the throat, they’re supposed to prevent the tears…but they never do. Oh, this is interesting. We’ve reached the tongue. It’s nice to see this muscle while it is resting: calmed and relaxed under the palate. But it’s a whole different experience to see it when I’m passionate about something or when I’m defending a just cause or when someone’s questioning the truth of my words or intentions. It goes up and down, right and left, emphasizing words, carrying emotions in every phrase that comes right from we where earlier: the stomach, remember? Come here with me to explore the rest of the face. A nose with a strong last name’s signature. Conservative ears, whit just one hole on each for earrings. Except for that time, at a 15th birthday, when I decided to pierce my right ear cartilage in a kid’s salon, without my parent’s permission. The boyfriend didn’t like the new accessory, I kept it anyway until it got an infection. And the eyes. There’s more to them than just the way they turn light green when the sunlight hits them like a laser. It’s more about how they become camera lenses and give perfect framing to some scenes that are later an inspiration for writing. A pretty wide forehead, a widow’s peak, and her hair. It wasn’t always short, but it has always been dye-free. I’m not taking you to the brain, it’s way too dangerous over there. Certainly a maze I wouldn’t recommend you entering. Too many memories, details and rap verses. Take this rope and jump with me to the bottom. We’re going to the feet. Don’t touch them, unless they have socks on. Notice the long legs and the bruises. Don’t worry, they appear way too easily with the softest hit. We’re almost finishing the tour and maybe you’re wondering what’s special about it, perhaps this body looks exactly like another you’ve seen and I’ll have to agree with you. Just remember each body is a temple built with millions of stories and experiences. Think about what you felt while being here, watching these knees and eyelashes and lungs and nails. What you felt about those parts we could never visit like the thoughts, the soul, the energy. Take the time to do it here and repeat it with every other human body you visit.


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